To strengthen our strong commitment towards people, Alami is investing in the development and wellbeing of our partners, communities and a new generation of Indonesian youth on their quest of becoming future coffee professionals. We value our producers, farmers and whole supply chain’s eforts and inputs towards a mutual goal.

Our dedicated producers are empowering economy of farmers by letting them choosing their own sales price of coffee cherries. Wages of post harvest employees who put their heart into the coffee processing are double comparing the standars at origins. This enables us improving both the quality of the coffee and the livelihoods of those working to produce it.
Alami and it’s producing partners are proactively protecting the human rights of farmers and supply chain workers by supporting the coffee communities that surround its operations. As part of our social resposibility program, Alami built a library for children a village Watuagung, in Tambak Regency, Central Java in 2019.
As part of our sustainability program, Alami has built a very first recycling center in Gilli Air island, Northwest Lombok. This center is placed in premises of primary school as a part of School renovation together with Slovak-Indonesian NGO – Enjoy Life (
Social Enterprise in Walida, Argopuro
Walida’s inspiring mission; to allocate a significant part of revenues to local NGO, is a noble showcase towards care of community at origin. By investing part (40%) of its profits into building and operating a community school for local kids (with and without parents), Walida is edging closer to becoming a sustainable future for small-holder livelihoods and the environment. Over 800 children have joined Walida’s school and study about local agronomy and traditional music. With your support we can help to create a positive difference in the lives of many. Take action with one simple move and make that difference with Alami and Walida.

Social responsibility program in Europe
Our ongoing social responsibility program on the other side of the planet (Europe) focuses on supporting people with disabilities, aiding them with their integration into society by developing their skills and achieving the outcomes they want in their lives. We have been cooperating with a Slovak NGO called Trenčín na ceste. Some of the green beans that are roasted and sold in the EU market are hand-packed by young people with physical and mental disabilities.
Supported employment is an important alternative to open employment which not only provides a meaningful job and wage, but also enables people to learn and develop new skills, improve their health and wellbeing while providing lots of opportunities to meet new people and make new friends.
We celebrate when we see what impact it can make on a person’s life. We celebrate improved health and wellbeing, involvement in new social activities, new interests in the community and a real sense of belonging and connection to family and friends, housemates and workmates.

Cultural alignment
People are at the heart of Alami’s ethos at every step of the way. We value the harmony of local habits, beliefs, and behaviors. Hence we incorporate these ethics into our core company values. We were delighted to bear witness to this in one of our farm villages, observing how coffee contributes to preserving traditional dance and music. We are always eager to see the sites, attractions and the diversity of the people—the diversity of their cultures, their thoughts, their habits. In many ways, 10 years of living in Indonesia has shown our founder Luka a rich history and culture of Indonesia that reflects its diversity.